Common Mistakes when selling your home

Selling your home can be a complex process, and it’s easy to make mistakes that can impact the sale. Avoiding these common pitfalls can help you sell your home more quickly and for a better price. Here are some of the most frequent mistakes homeowners make when selling their homes: 

Avoiding Common Pricing Mistakes

Choosing the Wrong Estate Agent for the Sale

Selecting the right estate agent is crucial to a successful sale. It’s tempting to go with the agent who offers the lowest commission or suggests the highest asking price, but these factors shouldn’t be your primary criteria. 


Instead, look for a local agent with a proven track record of selling homes in your area. An experienced agent who understands your local market will price your home accurately and market it effectively, helping you get the best possible outcome.  


With over 45+ years of experience with property sales in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area, Roberts can assist with your next sale.  

Setting an Unrealistic Asking Price

Overpricing your home is one of the most common mistakes sellers make. While it’s natural to want to get the highest possible price, setting an unrealistic price can backfire.  
An overpriced home will attract fewer buyers and may end up sitting on the market for an extended period of time, which can make it less desirable. Work with your agent to set a fair and competitive price based on the local market conditions and the features of your home. 

Common Aesthetic Mistakes

Not Tidying Up the Property for Viewings

First impressions matter and having a cluttered home can make a bad one. Potential buyers might struggle to see past the mess, making it harder for them to imagine themselves living in your home. Take the time to declutter and organise your space.  
Remove personal items, such as family photos or eccentric decorations, to create a neutral environment that appeals to a broad range of buyers. Additionally, deep clean every room and make minor repairs to show that your home is well-maintained and is kept to an adequate standard to ensure that it’s shown to potential buyers in the best possible light.  

Inadequate Staging

Staging your home isn’t just for luxury properties—it’s a valuable tool for any home seller. Effective staging helps buyers visualise themselves in the space and can significantly increase your chances of a sale. You don’t need to spend a fortune on professional staging services.  
Simply creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere by arranging furniture thoughtfully, adding fresh flowers or using neutral colours can make a big difference.

The Importance of Professional Photos

High-quality photographs play a crucial role in attracting potential buyers, as they are often the first impression people have of your home. In today’s digital age, where most buyers start their search online, visually appealing images can make your listing stand out from the competition.

Homes with professional photos tend to sell 32% faster than those 
without, as these images showcase your property in the best light, highlighting its features and creating an emotional connection with buyers. Investing in professional photography is a small cost that can lead to a quicker and more profitable sale. 

Potential Property Mistakes

Ignoring the Properties Maintenance issues

Neglecting routine maintenance can have a significant impact on your home’s value. Buyers are often turned off by signs of neglect, such as peeling paint, broken fixtures, or overgrown lawns. More serious issues, like mould or pest infestations, can be even more damaging.  

To avoid losing potential buyers, address maintenance issues before putting your home on the market. Regular upkeep not only preserves your home’s value but also reassures buyers that the property has been well cared for.

Hiding Problems with the Property

Trying to hide problems with your home is a risky strategy that almost always backfires. During the inspection, buyers will likely discover any hidden issues, such as roof leaks, foundation problems or outdated wiring. Rather than risking the collapse of the sale or facing legal consequences later, it’s better to address these problems upfront.  
You can either fix the issue, adjust the asking price to reflect the cost of repairs or list the property at its market value while being transparent about its current condition. 

Key Aspects to Consider

Estate Agents
Help to Get your home valued accurately and marketed effectively.
Professional Photography
Can help attract potential buyers and make a good first impression.
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Properties maintenance issues
These issues need to be addressed upfront before the house is put up for sale. Although this can be expensive it’s a better alternative than risking the collapse of the sale
Click Here
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By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be in a stronger position to sell your home quickly and at a price that reflects its true value. Take the time to prepare, work with a reputable agent and maintain transparency throughout the process to ensure a successful sale.

Common frequently asked questions

How do I know if I’m ready to sell my home?

Before deciding to sell, consider if you’ve had enough time to prepare your home by decluttering, tidying and staging it both inside and out. Also, assess whether moving in the next 3-6 months is feasible for you and if you can afford the associated costs, including repairs, moving expenses, solicitor’s fees and estate agent commissions.

What are the risks of taking a “no rush” approach to selling?

If you keep your property on the market for too long, it may start to seem like a difficult sale, which can deter potential buyers. The best time to sell is typically within the first three weeks when your home is fresh and new to the market.

Can I expect to get my full asking price?

While it’s natural to want the full asking price, most buyers will negotiate. Listing your home at a price that attracts buyers while leaving room for negotiations can help you achieve a sale at a satisfactory price.